Scarr's Pizza

I might have to go back to my past pizzeria reviews and drop their ratings just to accent how good this pizza was.

Okay, three components to a slice: dough, sauce, and cheese. Simple enough, but hard to perfect.

1. Dough. Scarr's dough is phenomenal. It has a unique flavor to it, a little nutty, not sweet like a lot of spots. The texture of the crust was amazing, more puffed up than I'm used to, cooked through with a nice crisp. I always eat the crust, but even my dad, who is picky about crust, would be all over this. Even your kid brother, who always leaves a plate of chewed up and folded crusts behind, would eat this. It has the look of a crust that might get left behind, but it's certainly not. Okay, I made that clear I think.

2. Sauce. Now, if you've seen the Munchies special on Scarr's Pizza, you know they get all pretentious about the sauce. I'm of the belief that a good sauce is just San Marzano tomatoes reduced for a bit with maybe a pinch of salt and a tiny bit of basil if you like that. These guys are not those kind of guys. They make the sauce from fresh tomatoes. Risky considering how easy it is to just pop a can and turn the burner to simmer. Worth it. The sauce is sweet, a little sour, and lots of flavor. It is the heart of the slice, and this heart is going to keep on ticking. Or maybe it's on its way to cardiac arrest. Whichever metaphor works better, I don't know.

3. Cheese. cheese is cheese. They don't use the cheap stuff. It shows. It doesn't over power the other components. It doesn't sweat grease like that stink spirit in Spirited Away. It's perfect.

Get it? It's all perfect! Go here now, don't wait. You might die tonight, get hit by a bus, and you would have never had this pizza! So hurry! And you know, look both ways when you cross the street.
