Art + Journal Pictures

Here is a collection of my art and pictures of my journal entries.
I always fantasized leaving my journal on a bus or a train and someone picking it up, rifling through it, and taking something away from it.
My blog seems like an appropriate place for this.
Here's a drawing of the exposed brick in my first Bushwick apartment,
a six week sublet. This isn't exactly accurate, there was some wainscoting
on the wall. I'm happy with how it turned out. 

Here's a picture from 2014, a summer I spent in Oakland, living in
a tiny guest room. It was a somewhat bleak summer, but artistically
it was important. For the first time since high school I started putting
my work on a larger canvas, or in this case, a box.

Summer '17

Winter '16

Spring '17 Unfinished, but I still kinda like it. This was more of a
practice piece anyway.

Spring '17 I'm happy with this as well. Certainly a practice piece,
but some of these techniques pop up later.

Spring '17 This is meant to be a twisted self portrait representing my attitude
towards teaching. I like it, but it's admittedly unsettling

Spring '17 i like this one a lot too. It's smaller than the other ones in
this sketchbook. I like drawing teeth, the rest is just doodles.

Summer '17 after finishing teaching, before moving to NY I kind of just
added to this page whenever I was bored. I was in a weird head space
and couldn't really come up with one piece that I was happy with.
Instead I did this. I kind of like it, but I'm not sure I'll ever finish it.
It needs color to highlight the negative space.

Summer '17 this is a tiny piece  I did while intoxicated. It sort of
loses something when this close up. I still like it.

This is another abstract self portrait I did. This is also the room I lived in
when I first moved to Bushwick. The cinder blocks under the bed and the
heater with the table built around it were a little off putting at first, but
I wound up really liking it. Respect to the woman who put it all together.

Summer '17 not sure how I feel about this. It's sort of a call back to
a drawing I did in college of the science library. this is way less detailed though.
I don't think I'll finish it.

Summer '17 This was a tattoo idea I had of trees representing places I've lived.
Oak for Oakland, Jeffrey Pine for Plumas/Shaffer's, Sycamore for Brooklyn,
Evergreen for Oregon, Pepper tree for Piedmont (the tree from our backyard).
It's meant to go around my forearm as drawn, but idk about the size. I've
seen some really bad tree tattoos so I want to sit on this one for a bit and plan
it out myself.
